Subscription draw

Fancy your chances winning up to £5,000 every month? Every month one lucky Accord member wins our monthly jackpot making them £5,000 better off. We've got runners up too, who each get £250.

The subscription draw is an optional element of your membership. You can buy up to 5 tickets in each monthly draw at a cost of £1 per ticket. You'll be in with the chances of winning one of our monthly prizes.

Prize availabilityPrize value
First Prize (x1)£5,000
Runner-up prizes (at least x12 per month)£250

You can join the draw, amend the number of tickets you have or leave the draw altogether through our online self-service function. All you need to do is log into your account and make a change on the payment details screen.

You can view the subscription draw rules on our website.

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