Bank Workers Charity

The Bank Workers Charity (BWC) supports the health and wellbeing of current and former bank employees.

Accord promotes and supports the work of the BWC.

About the Bank Workers Charity

The Bank Workers Charity exists to support the health and wellbeing of current and former bank employees and their families.

They're completely independent of the banks, offering free & confidential information, advice and support.

What support do the Bank Workers Charity provide?

The Bank Workers Charity can help in the following areas:

  • Physical & mental wellbeing - from mental health to caring for your body, the BWC have a range of support and guidance available
  • Relationships - our relationships affect our emotional, physical, social and financial wellbeing, so it's important to get support if things aren't going so well. Support includes couples and family therapy, plus much more
  • Financial matters - from managing your money to debt support, the BWC have a range of support and guidance available. Plus they can help with cash grants when you need it most
  • Work support - getting a good balance between work and life can be difficult, so it's good to find out about your rights and what support is available to you
  • Plus much more - including support for carers and getting specialist support pre-retirement

Find out more about the Bank Workers Charity or get support.

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